Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What I'm Working on

What's on my desk, in the mail, and general progress reports on my original writing can be found here. Right now, I have one story in drafting and another that I'm sending around to various agents.  Both of these stories are designed to be a sort of 'pilot' for a series of books.

The first, and the one that I'm sending around to agents is called: A Fox's Tale: The Warden's Daughter.  It's a YA/Fantasy story revolving around the characters of Ember Wulf and her friend Jona escaping the clutches of bandits and an evil lord's agent named Rodric the Raven.  As a personal test of whether it'd be accepted by teen readers, I asked my 7th Grade Sister to read it. Once she got going, she burned through the book pretty fast and seemed to really enjoy it.

The second story that I'm working on doesn't yet have a title I'm satisified with.  The series revolves around the adventures of Midshipman Miles Ambrose and his friend Astra Tanaka in their naval careers.  It's a YA/Sci-Fi novel, and is probably the 'hardest' long piece of Science Fiction I will ever attempt to write, becasue, as the more research I did, the more difficult it seemed for any space opera to really work in a highly realistic setting.

I did a one off, in this universe called 'An Average Engagement' that I sent to Analog, thus far I haven't gotten any word back from them, but it's only been a few weeks.

If anyone has some suggestions for where to send these works too... I'm all ears.

1 comment:

  1. Ever think about writing fanfics on Comicvine? I read some of your works on fanfiction and found it very intriguing. There are also a bunch of groups there if you ever consider collaborating with other writers.
