VALKYRIE: Into the Heavens is here! Get it now at: http://www.amazon.com/VALKYRIE-Candidates-Into-Heavens-ebook/dp/B00F1RFYTE/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1378648763&sr=1-1
If you're a fan of science-fiction anime, manga, and light novels you'll probably like this story. It features a cast of characters from across the globe which can only grow in the future. It's a light novel, so it's short but that doesn't mean it does not pack a punch.
Synopsis: Volume One of the VALKYRIE Light Novel Series.
2163, it has been twelve years since the Ixo first attacked Earth, killing millions and igniting the first interstellar war. In order to reverse a series of defeats, the United Nations launches Project Valkyrie. They select four teens from across the globe and bring them together to train them to become the first of a new type of soldier: the pod pilot.
A brilliant teen orphan, Daniel Logan is conscripted into the unit, along with Michiko Hoshimoto a fellow teen with a competitive streak and fiery temper. He shares dorm space with the other two candidates: Svetlana Gurevich and Rosa Löwe. Danny’s skills earn him respect in the simulators with all save Michiko, who accuses him of cheating. At the same time he harbor’s a terrible secret.
Can those candidates put aside their issues with one another to save Humanity from extermination at the hands of the Ixo? Humanity is well on the way to losing the war without them, and the Project is lagging behind with only two ships available for testing. Will Danny and Michiko be ready before the end, even if, the Ixo, do not interfere?
49,000 words, Rated T (Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.)
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