Friday, April 10, 2015

Banging My Head on a Brick Wall.

As anyone that watches my activity on, or even just here on the blog has probably guessed.  I've been struggling with a really massive case of writers block. The small stack of projects I have waiting for me to complete only seems to grow larger, as I jot down random ideas for stories and so forth, but found my mind going completely blank once I sit down to turn those ideas into an actual story.

Anyway, I really need to force myself to sit down in a chair and start writing again... except every time I try my mind leaps to something else and I'm left banging my head against the keyboard in frustration.  I'm like those dogs in Up!

Yeah... Except in my case, it's not 'Squirrel!' that sets me off...

Here's a short list of instant distraction words/subjects that make up the bricks in my wall of writer's block.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens...
Rogue One...
Peter Zeihan...
Police Shooting...

Hmm, there are probably more, but you get the idea. Now... just have to figure out how to get away from them all.

Maybe shutting down my internet connection would work.

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