Thursday, August 8, 2013


Thursday, around midnight I pressed the button in Kindle Direct Publishing.  Being sleepy, I missed a typo (already fixed) that, and watched as the various gerbils spun in their wheels at and converted the html document I'd uploaded into an ebook.  This was the end of a month long collaborative effort between me and my sister, whom I had commissioned to create the cover.

The first book in my series, "The Fox's Tale" went live by noon.  It's currently available for $3.95 in the United States, 2.50 GBP in the United Kingdom, 2.95 EUR across most of the rest of Europe, and 295 yen in Japan.  On August 9th, starting at 12:00 PM, it will be free for a Launch Promotion until August 13th.  I encourage all who have supported me in becoming a writer, my family, parents, mentors, teachers, and all my followers on fanfiction, twitter, blogger, tumblr, and facebook to take advantage of the promotion, read the book, and write a review.  The more responses, reviews, and downloads I can obtain over the next week or so are likely to greatly determine how well the book does in it's initial run before the arrival of it's sequel.

You can get the book here:

From this point on, I plan to have a book released every two months or so.  Releases will be on a tumble schedule between three series that I plan on running simultaneously.  This is to keep me from burning out writing any one series for a drawn out period of time (A Fox's Tale is likely to be a very long running series with the current plot I've sketched out).  I will have one Fantasy Series (A Fox's Tale), one Science Fiction Series (VALKYRIE), and one Alternate History Series (The Greatest Game) running simultaneously, and my next story (VALKYRIE #1) is nearing complete as I type.

Thank you for all of your support in my endeavors.

Paul A. Naughton

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